Post-quantum iMessage: the next step in privacy protection
Apple has released a new encryption protocol – PQ3 – for iMessage, which provides post-quantum security for instant messaging.
7 articles
Apple has released a new encryption protocol – PQ3 – for iMessage, which provides post-quantum security for instant messaging.
Everybody knows that we should prepare ourselves for a “quantum future”, but it was expected to come about in 10-20 years’ time. Is a breakthrough possible this year?
We explore how encryption protects your data and why quantum computers might shake things up.
Quantum computers are set to change our approaches to data encryption. When that will happen is not yet clear, but we do know when companies need to start preparing — right now.
Quantum computers are said to be coming soon. They will definitely change the information security paradigm. How you can prepare to this shift?
Nowadays, quantum systems really do exist, with some of them reaching the stage of commercial sales. Quantum computers raise and answer new questions in the security field.